Sunday, March 25, 2012

Little Sunshine Mistakes that Can Give You Cancer Instead of Vitamin D

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Take This Easter Sunday Test-Drive* in Your Kitchen * Limited Time Offer! *
Cookware Offer Do you ever make the mistake of meticulously choosing healthy organic foods, but then prepare them in cookware that can compromise the integrity of those foods?

Sadly, such a mistake can lead to less-than-optimal health... Is it worth the risk?

Why not take the 30-day cookware test drive* which offers you:
  • Safe, non-toxic food preparation that gives you peace of mind about being exposed to any potential hazards for pots and pans leaching into your family's food
  • Penetrating heat that cooks your food from the inside and outside simultaneously
  • Terrific presentation and easy clean-up
  • Time and energy savings
  • Versatility - goes from stovetop to oven, broiler, fridge, freezer and tabletop
Functionality meets beauty here - and organic foods meet perfect preparation. Your 16-piece set is just right for your upcoming Easter feast, other holiday get-togethers, and even your daily meals.

Prepare for your upcoming feasts today. Buy the 16-piece Ceramic Cookware Set
and Get Free Shipping and Handling on Your Entire Order! (U.S. and Canada Only)

But hurry! Offer expires March 28th, or while supplies last.

Why not toss your risky cookware out during spring cleaning, and upgrade to this beautiful, functional non-toxic cookware with its 50-year warranty? Make today the day to keep your food organic, even once it's been prepared. Order now.

*Certain conditions apply to the 30-day test drive. See here for more details.
Little Sunshine Mistakes that Can Give You Cancer Instead of vitamin D? Little Sunshine Mistakes that Can Give You Cancer Instead of vitamin D   maximizing vitamin D exposure
Did you know there are certain times when you hardly get any vitamin D? Also find out what you shouldn't do after sunbathing, and other health-giving vitamin D strategies...

FDA Considering Making Many Drugs OTC
Easier, prescription-free access to drugs marketed for "high cholesterol" and high blood pressure is on the FDA's radar, but you should know the hidden risks before you take part.
HEALTH RESOURCES CALL TOLL FREE. US Number: 877.985.2695 | Int'l Number: 847.252.4355
Joint Support Can This Breakthrough Support Strong Youthful Joints?*
So many valuable things in life demand flexible, healthy joints.* That old excuse that "life slows you down" - scrap it. My all natural joint supplement with four breakthrough ingredients essential for healthy joint support makes it fun to play hard - and get into your life!*
Greener Cleaner The Toxic Stew Lurking in Your Laundry Room
Most of us don't give much thought to this simple chore, but it may be a source for skin, eye and respiratory issues. Not only that, you may be exposing your family to round-the-clock toxicity from carcinogens, endocrine disruptors, and substances that wreak havoc to brain, nervous system and organ tissues. The good news is... there is a green, safe way to get the job done.
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Re-Discover the Sun's Amazing Health Benefits Today
Have you bought into the propaganda that sunlight is the enemy of mankind and must be avoided at all costs to prevent cancer? This may be no more than a popular urban myth of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Discover more about Vitamin D3 and solar energy...

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Quote of the Day:
The kind man feeds his beast before sitting down to dinner.
- Hebrew Proverb
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* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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©Copyright 1997-2012 Dr. Joseph Mercola. All Rights Reserved. Disclaimer: The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Dr. Mercola, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Mercola and his community. Dr. Mercola encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.
3200 W. Higgins Rd.
Hoffman Estates, IL 60169

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