Friday, April 6, 2012

Found in Over 90% of Cosmetics: It is Linked to Premature Aging and Cancer

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Being Fooled by This Urban Legend Can Damage Your Joints*    Being Fooled by This Urban Legend Can Damage Your Joints*
You've been told this is bad for your joints, but this can cause your muscles to become weaker and work against optimal joint flexibility. Ignore that advice and take 500mg of this supplement daily. You may notice a difference within as little as 7 days...

Joint Support
The Hidden Trigger to Alzheimer's and Parkinson's That 75% of People Carry Found in Over 90% of Cosmetics: It is Linked to Premature Aging and Cancer    Never Put This on Your Face or Skin
It breaks down your skin's moisture barrier, potentially leading to dry skin with premature aging. What's more, when these other chemicals combine, they can become a potential carcinogen. Check for this on your label...

The Hidden Trigger to Alzheimer's and Parkinson's That 75% of People Carry   The Hidden Trigger to Alzheimer's and Parkinson's That 75% of People Carry
Your brain has 100 billion nerve cells and they require a great deal of energy and waste removal. This "little bullet" releases a toxin that seriously impairs these important neurological processes, wrecking your brain and body before its time...

Ancient Herb Proven to be a Potential Cure for Alzheimer's
An extract of this herb shows promise for reversing memory loss and improving cognitive abilities in those with Alzheimer's disease.
HEALTH RESOURCES CALL TOLL FREE. US Number: 877.985.2695 | Int'l Number: 847.252.4355
Astaxanthin Is this Nature's Most Powerful Free Radical Scavenger?
This amazing yet little-known antioxidant outperforms all the others when it comes to free radical scavenging and singlet oxygen quenching. Up to 550 times more powerful than vitamin E, 800 times stronger than CoQ10, 6000 times greater than vitamin C, and even stronger than both lutein and beta carotene, that's great news for your eyes, brain, muscles, and nervous system.*
CLA The Naturally Occurring Fatty Acid that Can Help You Slim Down*
Both animal and human studies suggest this powerful fatty acid may be helpful for lowering body adipose tissue while preserving lean body mass.* Naturally, when you aim to shed unwanted pounds, you want to keep the muscle your body's worked so hard to build. And this is exactly what this amazing substance can help you do when combined with diet and exercise...*
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A Personal Journey Uncovers the Medical Horrors of Aspartame
Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World starts with filmmaker and narrator Cori Brackett's poignant story about how she discovered aspartame's ill effect on her health (when she was diagnosed with M.S.). This DVD sheds much-needed light on the controversy surrounding aspartame and other artificial sweeteners. Watch it with your family -- to improve your health and your life!

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Did You Know...
that curcumin is proven to be an effective preventive measure for cancer?
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* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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Hoffman Estates, IL 60169

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