Evidently the Mayans were wrong - 2013, here we come! To prepare for the New Year, the Academy of Insurance gives you 65% off all our on-demand, immediate access courses.
Pick all the classes you want, but don't delay because unlike THE WORLD, this special offer ends Friday, December 28.
Once you have chosen your three, four, or even five favorite classes, enter the discount code "
MAYAN" at checkout and instantly get your 65% savings.
This offer applies to EVERY class. To help you decide, here are a few of our most popular classes:
Remember, enter "
MAYAN" when you checkout and take 65% OFF the list price of any class you choose. Register today - before you get sucked out into space after the earth's magnetic field shifts. Oh, wait, that didn't happen, that's why you're still here to take advantage of this deal
MAYAN" = 65% savings!
1NOTE: If the world did end, all classes are free!)
Any questions? Contact Barbara at 800-897-9965 x166
or email webcasts@insurancejournal.com

Browse the Insurance Course Catalog
 | Academy of Insurance's End of World Sale Big savings on exclusive insurance training. Buy all you want, watch them anytime you want! |
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