| | The insurance underwriting process is undergoing the most significant change in the past 50 years. Agents are finding themselves perplexed and frustrated with insurance companies' predictive models and use of "Big Data." This dramatic change is not going away, so agents need to understand it, and use these changes to their advantage in the marketplace. Join us next Thursday for a Live Webinar + Q&A covering this important topic. Date: January 9, 2014 Time: 10:30am Pacific / 1:30pm Eastern Duration: 1 hour What you will learn: - What is "Big Data" and what is driving it
- What does the new world of the underwriter look like
- How old processes will hurt clients and agents in this new world
- How to get in front of this wave, and beat your competitors
- How to engage with a prospect or client on this issue
- How to leverage the Big Data evolution to your advantage
Make the commitment to learn more and earn more in 2014! Register early for these upcoming webinars: - How agents can leverage insurance companies - Avoiding agency E&O exposure - Effectively handle inbox overload - Why two critical agency positions are susceptible to turnover | | | | | Live webinar + Q&A Thursday, January 9 10:30 - 11:30am Pacific Learn more | | Agents are finding themselves perplexed and frustrated with insurance companies' predictive models and use of "Big Data." This dramatic change is not going away, so agents need to understand it, and use these changes to their advantage in the marketplace. Learn more and Register today - Save $50 this week only | | | | | Live webinar + Q&A Thursday, January 16 10:30 - 11:30am Pacific Learn more | | Since Certificates of Insurance are becoming a major expense and a major E&O exposure which generates no revenue for the agency, managing this exposure effectively and efficiently is becoming increasingly important. This is a short course on Certificates of Insurance which reviews the legal and regulatory issues as well as do's and don'ts for handling COI's. Learn more and Register today - Save $50 this week only  | | Instructor: E. Stuart Powell, Jr., MA, CPCU, CIC, CLU, ChFC, ARM, AMIM, AAI, ARe, CRIS Vice President of Insurance Operations and Technical Affairs at Independent Insurance Agents of North Carolina, Inc. | | | | | | Live webinar + Q&A Thursday, January 23 10:30 - 11:30am Pacific Learn more | | An hour packed full of email tips and hints that are designed to help you add hours to your days, weeks, or months, help you get organized, and even reduce some of your stress about email. One hour to give you more hours to get what needs to be done, done; what a great use of your time! Learn more and Register today - Save $50 this week only  | | Instructor: Marsha Egan Keynoter, facilitator, author and ICF-certified workplace productivity and business leader coach | | | | | | Live webinar + Q&A Thursday, February 6 10:30 - 11:30am Pacific Learn more | | This course looks at the foundational reasons why two critical positions for most agencies, producers and account managers, are susceptible to turnover. Learn strategies to help identify which employees who are most susceptible to resigning, How to handle counteroffers and lightning rod "mistakes" that immediately create an environment of employee dissatisfaction (i.e. company actions that trigger people to start a job search). Learn more and Register today - Save $50 this week only  | | Instructor: Mary Newgard Senior Search Consultant at Capstone Search Group | | | | |
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