Four topics in a single one-hour class? Yes! Four topics in a single one-hour class? Yes! But don't be fooled, you will get all the necessary information to understand and explain all four concepts. Following is a bit of what you can expect from each section in this webinar. Click Here to Register Part I - Waiver of Subrogation "Subrogation" is the right of the insurance carrier to recover from the party causing its insured to suffer a loss which the insurance carrier paid to fix. So then, what is a "waiver of subrogation?" Essentially a "waiver of subrogation" is the insurance carrier agreeing to give up, being forced to give up, or losing its right to subrogate against the at fault party. That's all it is! The meaning of a waiver of subrogation is the simple part. It's a bit more complicated defining who or what can cause the insurance carrier to give up or lose the right to recover from the at fault party? Part II - OCPs Owners and Contractors Protective Liability - or OCP - coverage is often misunderstood. OCPs are not equivalent to a commercial general liability policy (CGL); and a major problem is that the OCP does not extend coverage to the party that paid for the policy. Plus, the coverage that is provided by the OCP is very limited in scope. Part III - Liquor Liability Liquor liability insurance is designed first to defend the insured against charges of negligence related to the service of alcohol; and second to indemnify or pay on behalf of the insured if they are found legally liable. Our discussion in this part of the webinar focuses on: 1) the various ways states may define legal liability as it relates to the sales, service or manufacture of alcohol; 2) how insureds can control the cost of liquor liability coverage; and 3) what training is available to alcohol-related establishments. Part IV - The MCS-90 Although effective since June 1981, the MCS-90 endorsement remains a highly misunderstood form. Apparent judicial misapplications of the intended meaning and purpose of the form have added to the confusion. The MCS-90 was designed to assure that an at-fault "for-hire" or public motor carrier could fulfill its financial responsibility to the public, regardless of the insured's failure to comply with the underlying insurance policy's terms and/or conditions. But it was not designed or intended to extend insurance protection to non-insureds or create coverage where none existed. Above all, the MCS-90 was not created to and does not currently provide any insurance coverage within the wording of the form - insurance protection is extended only from the policy to which the endorsement is attached. Essentially, the MCS-90 is more closely related to a surety bond "guaranteeing" that the insured has and will continuously maintain the coverage types and amounts mandated by law. Click Here to Register Attendees of this class will: - Have a better understanding of subrogation and how or what can cause this insurance carrier right to be lost.
- Know the purposes of liquor liability coverage and some risk management techniques alcohol-serving operations should consider.
- Understand the limitations of the OCP.
- Be able to explain the real purpose of the MCS-90.
When you register, you get: - Access to the live webinar
- Video and audio recordings, so you can watch or listen again
- Question & Answer session with the instructor
- Audio download of the webcast
- Presentation slides download
Join us this Thursday, June 7th for this one-hour training webinar. (PLUS, all registrants will receive video and audio recordings of the webinar, so you can listen/watch again at your convenience.) Space is limited! | Date: Thursday, June 7th Time: 1:30pm ET / 10:30am PT Duration: 1 Hour Price: Save $40 until June 6th! Register today for just $89! Click Here to Register
Instructor: Chris Boggs, CPCU, ARM, ALCM, LPCS, AAI, APA, CWCA, CRIS, AINS | | Director of Education at Insurance Journal's Academy of Insurance | More Great Training:
JUNE 6: What is a Green Building? - Learn what a green building is "by definition" and environmental statistics on both residential and commercial buildings. Plus the six primary goals of green buildings.
JUNE 13: Green Building Rating Programs - Green building rating programs are available at local, state, and national level. This course explores some common themes found in green building rating programs.
JUNE 14: State of the Industry - The market has been soft for quite some time, but is it changing? Learn how to measure the excess capital in the industry, what the insurance cycle has to do with this, and much more.
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