May 23, 2013
East Vermont Sues Patent Owner Under Its Consumer Protection ActVermont sued a patent owner over claims it violated the state's Consumer Protection Act, saying it's the first state to file such a ... Marathon Bombing Victims Urged to Apply for FundsThe administrator of the Boston Marathon victims' compensation fund said just five people have filed applications as of Tuesday, and is ... Commentary: Accounting for Non-Modeled Sources of LossThe purpose of modeling is to anticipate the likelihood and severity of catastrophes so that companies can prepare for their financial ... R.I. Nightclub Owners Say They Didn't Know Part-Timers Needed WC CoverageThe owners of the Station nightclub say they didn't know they needed to buy workers' compensation insurance for the club's part-time ... AIG Sues Ex-U.Va. Lax Player Over Insurance ClaimA former University of Virginia lacrosse player convicted of killing his ex-girlfriend is being sued by American International Group Inc. ... Midwest Byrne Named Chair of The Council of Employee Benefits ExecutivesTim Byrne, vice president and partner at Wisconsin-based M3 Insurance, has been named chair of the Council of Employee Benefits Executives ... Illinois Lawmakers Seek Disaster Declaration in 16 CountiesIllinois' congressional delegation has asked President Obama to add 16 Illinois counties to the list of those eligible to receive disaster ... Wisconsin Bill Would Require $50 Tobacco Use Fee for Health InsuranceWisconsin state workers who smoke would have to pay $50 more per month for health insurance under a Gov. Scott Walker proposal that has won ... U.S. Senate Passes Bill with Kansas River Levee FundingThe U.S. Senate has approved a bill that includes funding aimed at improving Topeka's levee system along the Kansas River. The bill ... Southeast Florida Municipal Insurance Trust Issues $20 Million Cat BondA Florida insurance trust that provides property insurance and other products to cities around the state has issued a $20 million private ... North Carolina Man Charged with Insurance FraudNorth Carolina authorities have accused a Lincoln County man of filing a fake report of a stolen motorcycle and trailer to get money from ... South Central Safety Board: ATF Blocking Texas Plant Blast ProbeFederal agents and the state fire marshal have effectively barred a federal safety panel from the site of a Texas fertilizer plant blast ... Moore, Oklahoma Tornado Damage Estimated at More than $2BThe Oklahoma Insurance Department says a preliminary estimate suggests the cost of the tornado that hit the Oklahoma City suburb of Moore ... Oklahoma Commissioner: 4K Home, Auto Claims from Twisters So FarMore than 4,000 home and auto claims have been filed as a result of the recent spate of tornadoes in Oklahoma. That number is expected to ... West London Underwriter Becomes First to Insure California Carbon CreditsParhelion Underwriting Ltd. became the first insurer to offer a policy to protect companies from the invalidation of carbon offset credits ... Ex-Alaska Worker Charged With Workers' Comp FraudA former Alaska state employee and his supposed masseuse are accused of worker's compensation fraud. Scott A. Groom and Laurayne K. Fischer ... New Mexico Setting New Records With DroughtNew Mexico is slipping further into drought, having marked the driest two-year period in nearly 120 years of record-keeping. National ... Feds Take Over California High-Risk Insurance ProgramAbout 17,000 Californians with serious medical problems will be moved from a state-run stopgap health insurance program to a federal plan ... National Group Praises Hawaii Cellphone Driving LawA national nonprofit is cheering Hawaii's new law that prohibits people from holding cellphones and other portable electronics while ... $70M Reduction For Auto Club's Southern California DriversCalifornia Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones and Robert Bouttier, CEO of the Automobile Club of Southern California, announced a rate ... International Lloyd's Report Highlights Solar Storm Threat as Emerging Risk"A large solar storm could leave tens of millions of people in North America without electrical power for several months, if not years, ... S&P Assesses Insurance Industry and Country Risk Shaping Insurance MarketsA report by Standard & Poor's Ratings Services notes that "for the two main insurance sectors, life and property/casualty (P/C), overall ... Ratings Recap: Dubai Insurance, Jupiter, Ardelis, TT ClubA.M. Best Europe - Rating Services Limited has revised the outlook to positive from stable and affirmed the issuer credit rating (ICR) of ... Sponsored Content 2013 Virtual Insurance Tradeshow Speakers AnnouncedFairfield, CA, - 05/23/13 - Now in its third year, the 2013 Virtual Insurance Marketplace, brought to the insurance industry by Direct ... Carriers, want to increase retention and differentiate your brand? KBM Group recently completed a consumer engagement study. Join us for a free webcast to find out the results. Join the Insurance Journal NetworkInsurance Journal TV
New Discussions in the ForumsStart up cost for a new agent Posted: Thu May 23 -- Manny, we're crossing threads here a little bit but, in comparing long term cost it is my honest opinion that SIAA will be far cheaper in... sacman insurance for machine shops? Posted: Thu May 23 -- anyone know any standard carriers write for machine shops? thanks kdong brokers with access to trucking insurance? Posted: Thu May 23 -- I'm looking for brokers which has good program for trucking insurance. Anyone know? thanks kdong I.A. start up- cluster, alliance (siaa type) or go it alone? Posted: Thu May 23 -- I'm not familiar with the QQ rater, my only experience with a rater has been EZLynx. However, I've got the paperwork sitting on my desk for... sacman Online Competition Posted: Wed May 22 -- Jack, until you present policy wording backing your interpretation, I'm going to strongly disagree with you. I know you are busy with making... Robert742 Foremost Commission Cuts Posted: Wed May 22 -- They did the same thing here in Ohio, we simply no longer write business with them because It is not profitable to do so, Perhaps they are... Pathwayinsurance Terminated Farmers agent wins lawsuit vs. FIG Posted: Wed May 22 -- Nice to see a win for the good guys... Pathwayinsurance Real Housewives of Miami "star" suing insurance agent Posted: Wed May 22 -- Most policies contain a family member exclusion for BI. Pathwayinsurance Premier Group Insurance vs Simmons Insurance Group Posted: Tue May 21 -- I'm looking at creating a IA and would like feed back on these two cluster groups? Any feedback would be helpful. cycleguy Reader CommentsGOP Questions Fundraising for Obamacare Posted: Tue May 21 -- SO - GOP, how did your last agenda to make Obama a one term president work out for you? Celtica Wisconsin Police Aggressive in Redacting Accident Reports Posted: Wed May 22 -- ya think the law has gone a little too far to the left? A typical government knee-jerk reaction: one death - while certainly not... Scott Republicans Renew Push for Repeal of Obamacare Posted: Thu May 16 -- Libby: My other comment didn't post: WMD's were not the reason we went to Iraq. Let me say that Again, because you liberals are trying to... bob Employer Contraception Mandate Headed to Court for Ban Ruling Posted: Wed May 22 -- Korte & Luitjohan Contractors and Grote Industries can stick a sock in it. Their personal religious beliefs aren't being impinged. Neither... Fair Playing Field Government to Share Cyber Security Information with Private Sector Posted: Thu May 16 -- Sargeant Major - The president says he doesn't know anything about anything, so none of the scandals coming from his thug filled... Perplexed | Subscriber ToolsFree Webcast:Current IssueMore NewslettersMarket DirectoriesNew Insurance JobsHow to AdvertiseFor information about advertising on this newsletter and Insurance Journal magazines, contact Julie Tinney at (800) 897-9965 x148. View our Media Kit for advertising options in our magazines and online properties. Copyright © 2013 by Wells Media Group, Inc. |
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Daily Headlines: Thursday, May 23, 2013
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