Monday, January 23, 2012

213 Women Who Took This Suffered Permanent Disability

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213 Women Who Took This Suffered Permanent Disability 213 Women Who Took This Suffered Permanent Disability   213 Women Who Took This Suffered Permanent Disability
And that was just between May 2009 and September 2010. It also caused 16 deaths, 25 cases of Guillian Barre Syndrome and 789 reports of "serious" adverse reactions including MS, seizures, paralysis, blindness, memory loss and speech problems...

New Evidence Refutes Fraud Findings in Dr. Wakefield Case   New Evidence Refutes Fraud Findings in Dr. Wakefield Case
A new twist has been uncovered that may blow the case to discredit the link between MMR vaccine and autism clearly out of the water...
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Krill Oil Warning: Without This, You Probably Don't Get Enough Omega-3s*
When I discovered what this pure marine oil can do for your health, I realized how it's truly one of your few "must-have" nutritional supplements.* Discover for yourself the 15+ benefits to your optimal wellness.*
Bath Care Soap and Shower Gel Risks You've Never Heard Of...
You've probably never heard of these 7 toxic ingredients rampant in soaps and gels. But most likely, you're using them regularly... even more than once a day. These can have a terrible effect not only on your skin, but your overall health as well. Find out what to avoid and what to look for in safe cleansing alternatives...
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Autism and Vaccines - The Truth Behind a Tragedy
Callous Disregard describes how, despite being exposed to the toxic underbelly of institutional and commercial medicine, and the pervasive lies, blatant mischaracterizations, libelous attacks, and virulent strong-arm tactics that he faced daily, Dr. Wakefield never lost sight of the reason why he was fighting back: For the children.

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Quote of the Day:
What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.
- Henry David Thoreau, American Author
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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3200 W. Higgins Rd.
Hoffman Estates, IL 60169

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